Custom box dividers

Ultimate guide to custom box dividers and custom packaging inserts

A versatile solution for the placement of products in a box

Ultimate Guide to custom box dividers, inserts and Custom Packaging Inserts
Ultimate Guide to custom box dividers, inserts and Custom Packaging Inserts

Custom box dividers are versatile and practical solutions that help organize and protect items within a box. These dividers are specifically tailored to fit the dimensions of the box and the shape of the items they hold. They serve several purposes by making them a popular choice for following.

  • Packaging. 
  • Storage.
  • Transportation needs. 

Custom box dividers offer complete protection along with suitable packaging. Moreover, these boxes also assist brands to send the products safe and sound to their users. 

Auspicious benefits of using custom box dividers 

There are a number of advantages of using custom box dividers and in order to understand all such advantages in detail you are required to get an idea of it. So, here we discuss a few of such advantages in detail. 

Enhanced Protection

Dividers prevent items from shifting, colliding, or getting damaged during transit or storage. This is crucial for delicate and fragile products.

Organization of Products

Custom dividers create individual compartments, keeping different items separated and organized. This is particularly useful for sets, kits, or products with various components.


 They can be designed to accommodate products of various shapes and sizes. This tailored fit ensures a snug and secure arrangement.


In addition to accommodation, these box dividers also help in optimizing space, allowing for maximum product capacity within a box. This minimizes wasted space and reduces the need for excess packaging material.


Trays and dividers can be customized with branding elements, enhancing the overall presentation and reinforcing brand identity.

Enhanced Unboxing Experience

Neatly organized products enhance the unboxing experience for customers, leaving a positive impression of your brand.


Custom dividers can be made from various materials, such as cardboard, foam, or plastic, to cater to different needs and preferences.

Space Optimization

By utilizing inserts and dividers, you can maximize the available space within the packaging. This helps reduce the need for excess packaging materials, such as filler or padding.

Branding Opportunities

Custom inserts and dividers provide an additional platform for brand messaging, storytelling, or promotional materials. This reinforces brand identity and engages customers on a deeper level.

Ease of Use:

Inserts and dividers simplify the unpacking process for customers. Each product has its designated space, making it easy to identify and access items.

Eco-Friendly inserts and dividers

Dividers made from recyclable materials contribute to sustainable packaging practices, aligning with environmentally conscious efforts.

Customer Satisfaction: An organized and well-protected package adds to overall customer satisfaction. It demonstrates a commitment to quality and care, leaving a positive impression on recipients.

Whether it’s for electronics, cosmetics, glassware, or any other product, custom box dividers offer a tailored solution that ensures items arrive intact, well-organized, and visually appealing. They strike the balance between functionality and aesthetics, making them an essential component of thoughtful and effective packaging strategies.

Exploring types of custom inserts and dividers for effective packaging:

In the realm of modern packaging, ensuring the safe and organized transportation of products is paramount. Custom inserts and dividers have emerged as essential components in achieving this goal. These versatile solutions offer a tailored approach to securing items within the packaging, preventing damage during transit, and enhancing overall presentation. 

So, from delicate electronics to intricate jewelry, the diverse array of custom inserts and dividers available caters to a wide range of products, providing not only protection but also a seamless unboxing experience. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the various types of custom inserts and dividers, exploring their unique characteristics and applications across industries. Discover how these ingenious solutions are transforming the way we package and deliver items, ensuring that they reach their destination in pristine condition while elevating brand perception. Certainly, these custom inserts and dividers play a crucial role in protecting and organizing products within packaging. 

Here are different types of custom inserts and dividers commonly used in various industries. 

Cardboard Dividers:

Cardboard Dividers
Cardboard Dividers

Cost-effective and versatile, cardboard dividers are precision-cut to fit products and prevent movement during transit. They provide basic protection and organization.

Foam Inserts:

Foam inserts offer exceptional cushioning and shock absorption, making them ideal for delicate or fragile items. They can be tailored to snugly hold products in place.

Molded Pulp Dividers:

Molded Pulp Dividers
Molded Pulp Dividers

Environmentally friendly and sturdy, molded pulp dividers are crafted from recycled paper pulp. They provide excellent protection and are often used for products with irregular shapes.

Plastic Inserts:

Plastic dividers, such as thermoformed trays, offer durability and a sleek appearance. They provide effective protection and enhance product presentation.

Partition Inserts:

Partition Inserts
Partition Inserts

Partition inserts create compartments within the packaging, preventing products from touching each other. They are great for packaging sets or multiple items.

Slotted Dividers:

Slotted dividers interlock to create compartments and are ideal for organizing smaller items like electronic components or cosmetics.

Cavity Inserts:

Cavity Inserts
Cavity Inserts

Cavity inserts have pre-formed recesses to securely hold specific product shapes. They ensure a snug fit and prevent shifting.

Die-Cut Inserts:

Die-Cut Inserts
Die-Cut Inserts

Die-cut inserts are tailored to fit the contours of products precisely. They prevent movement and offer efficient protection.

Tray Inserts:

Tray inserts provide a stable base within the packaging, accommodating multiple products or layers of items.

EVA Foam Inserts:

Foam Inserts
Foam Inserts

Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) foam inserts offer a soft, customizable solution for holding various products securely.

Fabric Inserts:

Fabric inserts, like velvet or satin, combine protection with a luxurious feel, making them suitable for jewelry or high-end items.

Multi-Level Inserts:

Multi-Level Inserts
Multi-Level Inserts

Multi-level inserts feature tiers or levels to create an organized and visually appealing presentation of products.

Accordion Inserts:

Accordion Inserts and dividers
Accordion Inserts and dividers

Accordion-style dividers expand and contract, adjusting to different product sizes and ensuring a snug fit.

Vertical Dividers:

Vertical Dividers and inserts
Vertical Dividers and inserts

Vertical dividers create compartments that separate products vertically, optimizing space usage and protection.

Nesting Inserts:

Nesting Inserts and deviders
Nesting Inserts and deviders

Nesting inserts fit products within each other, minimizing movement and maximizing space efficiency.

Sleeve Inserts:

Sleeve Inserts and dividers
Sleeve Inserts and dividers

Sleeve inserts slide over products, preventing direct contact and reducing surface friction, suitable for delicate items.

Pegboard Dividers:

Pegboard dividers are designed for retail displays, allowing products to hang securely on peg hooks for easy visibility.

Tuck-In Inserts:

Tuck-In Inserts and dividers
Tuck-In Inserts and dividers

Tuck-in inserts feature flaps that fold over products, ensuring they remain securely in place during handling and shipping.

Fabricated Inserts:

Fabricated Inserts and dividers for packaging boxes
Fabricated Inserts and dividers for packaging boxes

Fabricated inserts are custom-made using various materials to create tailored protection and organization solutions.

Printed Inserts:

Printed Inserts and dividers
Printed Inserts and dividers

Printed inserts can feature branding, instructions, or information, enhancing the presentation and functionality of packaging.

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Paperboard Inserts

Paperboard Inserts and dividers
Paperboard Inserts and dividers

These inserts are perfect for presenting lightweight products elegantly, such as cosmetics and stationery. While they may not offer extensive protection for fragile items, their sleek appearance enhances the overall aesthetics of the packaging.

Corrugated Inserts

Corrugated Inserts and dividers
Corrugated Inserts and dividers

Known for their sturdiness, corrugated inserts are heavy-duty solutions ideal for fragile items like bottles. Their corrugated cardboard material not only provides excellent protection but also allows for easy printing, making them a versatile choice for branding.

Rigid Chipboard Inserts

Rigid Chipboard Inserts and dividers
Rigid Chipboard Inserts and dividers

Designed to handle the shipment of delicate items like ornaments and bottles, rigid chipboard inserts provide robust protection and also serve as efficient organizers within the packaging. Their durability ensures products stay secure during transit.

Foam Inserts

Offering cushioning and support, foam inserts snugly fit within custom packaging boxes. Apart from safeguarding fragile items during shipping, they prevent movement; ensuring products remain intact upon arrival.

Pulp Packaging Inserts

Crafted from recyclable materials, pulp packaging inserts are specifically tailored for delicate items such as eggs and wine bottles. Their sustainable nature aligns well with eco-friendly packaging practices.

Mushroom Packaging

Similar to foam inserts, mushroom packaging utilizes padding made from mushrooms. This innovative solution not only protects fragile goods but also holds environmental benefits. After use, you can compost these inserts, minimizing waste.

Molded Plastics

Made from synthetic materials with a polymeric structure, molded plastics were once popular but have faced declining use due to environmental concerns. While they provide efficient protection, their environmental impact has led to the exploration of more sustainable alternatives.

Selecting the appropriate type of custom insert or divider depends on the product’s nature, size, fragility, and presentation requirements. These solutions not only enhance product protection but also contribute to a positive unboxing experience and reinforce brand identity.

Elevate your packaging with the strategic structural design of dividers

When it comes to custom packaging, the structural design plays a pivotal role in ensuring the safety, organization, and visual appeal of the products within. Inserts and dividers, often regarded as unsung heroes of packaging, provide the backbone for securing delicate items, optimizing space, and enhancing the unboxing experience. This comprehensive guide delves into the world of structural design for custom packaging inserts and dividers, shedding light on their importance, types, and how they can elevate your brand’s packaging strategy.

Structural designing tips for custom packaging inserts and dividers

Custom packaging inserts and dividers are meticulously crafted to harmonize protection, aesthetics, and functionality. The structural design aims to create a seamless fit within the packaging while accommodating the unique dimensions and characteristics of the products. 

So, here we are going to explore the key aspects that contribute to the effective structural design of these essential packaging components:

Material Selection

Material Selection od Custom inserts and dividers
Material Selection od Custom inserts and dividers

The choice of material plays a critical role in the structural integrity of inserts and dividers. Different materials, such as paperboard, corrugated cardboard, foam, and sustainable options like mushroom packaging, offer varying levels of protection and eco-friendliness.

Shape and Configuration

The shape and configuration of inserts and dividers are tailored to the products they safeguard. Custom die-cutting techniques are employed to create precise shapes that snugly accommodate items, preventing movement and minimizing the risk of damage during transit.

Interlocking Mechanisms

Many dividers feature interlocking mechanisms that securely hold products in place. These mechanisms not only enhance protection but also add an element of organization, ensuring that items remain neatly arranged within the packaging.

Ease of Assembly

A well-designed insert or divider should be easy to assemble within the packaging. Minimal effort required for installation ensures efficient and hassle-free packaging processes, particularly during high-volume production.

Brand Integration:

The structural design also offers opportunities for brand integration. Inserts and dividers can be customized with branding elements, colors, and logos, adding a touch of personalization that enhances brand recognition and elevates the unboxing experience.


An increasing focus on sustainable packaging has led to the incorporation of eco-friendly structural design practices. Materials that are easily recyclable or compostable align with environmentally conscious packaging trends.

Multi-Functional Designs

Inserts and dividers can be designed to serve multiple functions beyond protection, such as creating compartments for different products, accommodating promotional materials, or even transforming into display elements.

So, the structural design of custom packaging inserts and dividers is a blend of art and science, where aesthetics meet functionality. By carefully considering material choices, shapes, interlocking mechanisms, and brand integration, brands can ensure that their products are not only protected but also presented in an organized and visually appealing manner. As packaging continues to evolve, innovative structural designs pave the way for enhanced customer experiences and a stronger brand identity.

Elevate packaging aesthetics and functionality with custom printing

In the realm of custom packaging, dividers and inserts are more than just protective components – they’re essential tools for organization, presentation, and brand representation. Custom printing and other enhancing elements add a layer of sophistication and personalization to these crucial packaging elements. This exploration dives into the world of custom printing, finishing touches, and additional features that transform dividers and inserts into impactful brand assets.

Custom printing and enhancing elements of custom dividers and inserts:

Brand-Centric Custom Printing

Custom printing brings your brand’s identity to the forefront. Dividers and inserts offer a canvas for showcasing your logo, brand colors, and taglines. This consistent branding reinforces brand recognition and resonates with customers, making your packaging instantly recognizable.

Vibrant Graphics and Imagery

High-quality custom printing allows for the incorporation of vibrant graphics, product images, or patterns onto dividers and inserts. Captivating visuals enhance the unboxing experience, create anticipation, and engage customers on an emotional level.

Product Information

Dividers and inserts can double as informative panels, offering details about the enclosed products, usage instructions, or care tips. This provides customers with valuable information at their fingertips, enhancing their interaction with the product.

Interactive Elements

Custom printing can also include interactive elements such as QR codes or scan able links to digital content. This integration of technology bridges the gap between the physical and digital worlds, enabling customers to access additional resources or promotions.

Finishing Touches: 

Embellishments like spot UV coating, foiling, or embossing elevate the tactile experience of dividers and inserts. These finishing touches add a premium feel, further enticing customers and conveying a sense of luxury.

Functional Cutouts

Custom dividers can feature strategic cutouts to hold specific products, such as lipstick tubes or perfume bottles. These precisely designed cutouts not only secure items in place but also provide a visually appealing arrangement.

Foldable or Collapsible Designs

Dividers and inserts with foldable or collapsible features maximize storage efficiency when not in use. These adaptable designs enhance convenience for both packaging and storage.

Sustainable Printing Practices

Embracing eco-friendly printing practices aligns with sustainability trends. Water-based inks, recycled paper options, and minimal ink wastage contribute to a greener packaging solution.

Perforated Tear-Off Sections: 

Inserts with perforated tear-off sections offer versatility, allowing customers to detach portions for reference or promotional offers while keeping the remainder intact.

Dual-Purpose Inserts

Dual-Purpose Inserts and dividers
Dual-Purpose Inserts and dividers

Inserts with dual purposes, such as transforming into display stands or fold-out product guides, offer an added layer of value and utility for customers.

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Thus, custom printing and enhancing elements elevate the role of dividers and inserts beyond their functional attributes. These creative features transform packaging components into brand ambassadors, creating memorable unboxing experiences and fostering deeper connections with customers. By leveraging custom printing, finishing touches, and innovative design elements, brands can truly make a statement and set their packaging apart in a competitive marketplace.

Grant positive unboxing experience through custom packaging inserts

In today’s dynamic marketplace, packaging has transcended its traditional role and become a powerful tool for brand differentiation and customer engagement. Custom packaging inserts, strategically designed and meticulously crafted, play a pivotal role in enhancing the presentation of products. This exploration delves into how these inserts add substantial value to the presentation of products, leaving a lasting impression on customers and fostering brand loyalty.

Enhance presentation with custom packaging inserts to add value

Impeccable Organization

Custom packaging inserts ensure that items are neatly organized within the packaging. Whether it’s cosmetics, electronics, or delicate items, inserts maintain a structured layout that not only enhances visual appeal but also showcases items in an orderly manner.

Unveiling Uniqueness

Inserts provide an opportunity to unveil the uniqueness of the product. They can be designed to fit the contours of the product perfectly, creating a visual spectacle that leaves a lasting impact on the recipient.

Creating Drama and Anticipation

Well-designed inserts build anticipation and intrigue during the unboxing process. By artfully concealing the product until the last moment, inserts add an element of surprise, making the unboxing experience memorable and exciting.

Reinforcing Brand Identity:

Custom inserts can be adorned with brand elements such as logos, taglines, and brand colors. This consistent branding reinforces the identity of the brand and leaves an indelible mark on the customer’s mind.

Elevating Perceived Value

Premium materials, intricate designs, and thoughtful details incorporated into custom packaging inserts elevate the perceived value of the product. Customers are more likely to perceive products packaged with care and attention to detail as being of higher quality.

Securing Fragile Items

Inserts act as protective cocooning for fragile items, ensuring that they arrive in pristine condition. This functional aspect adds value by assuring customers of the product’s integrity.

Multi-Purpose Utility

Custom inserts can serve dual purposes, transforming into product stands or display holders. This not only enhances presentation but also offers a practical utility that customers can appreciate.

Enhancing Gifting Experience

Inserts elevate the gifting experience by making it more sophisticated and memorable. Custom inserts can hold multiple products together, creating an elegant ensemble that resonates with the recipient.

Storytelling and Information

Inserts can incorporate storytelling elements, offering information about the product’s origin, craftsmanship, or ingredients. This narrative approach adds depth to the product and establishes an emotional connection with the customer.

Encouraging Reuse

Inserts that can be repurposed, such as becoming storage compartments or decorative pieces, extend the product’s lifespan and add ongoing value to the customer’s interaction with the brand.

Amplify your brand recognition with custom packaging inserts:

In the competitive world of business, brand recognition is the key to standing out and fostering customer loyalty. Custom packaging inserts provide a powerful avenue to make your brand shine. By incorporating your logo or brand colors onto the inserts, you create an instant connection that lingers in the minds of customers. Alternatively, a minimalist approach can achieve a raw and authentic aesthetic, equally impactful.

The impact of enhancing brand recognition goes beyond aesthetics. When you curate a thoughtful, high-end unboxing experience through customized packaging, you sow the seeds of lasting brand loyalty and excitement among your customers.

Consider these compelling statistics:

Here are some statistical facts that showcase customer engagement in any product due to its amazing packaging as well as unboxing. So, every brand needs to consider such facts and pay attention to the box design. 

  • 43% of customers spend more money on brands they are loyal to. (Fundera)
  • 94% of people would highly recommend a brand they are emotionally engaged with. (Gensler)
  • 48% of consumers establish brand loyalty during the initial purchase or experience. (G2)
  • 50% of shoppers are more likely to recommend a product with branded packaging. (BusinessLoad)

Custom packaging inserts emerge as a dynamic strategy to elevate customer loyalty. Overlooking the potential of leveraging your packaging for brand visibility might result in missed opportunities and untapped revenue.

Incorporate custom packaging inserts into your strategy and seize the chance to amplify your brand recognition. With each unboxing, you’ll be crafting an indelible memory, fostering loyalty, and igniting customer advocacy. After all, the impact of custom packaging inserts goes far beyond the box – it resonates in the hearts and minds of your customers, establishing your brand as a trusted and cherished presence.

Potential drawbacks of custom inserts and dividers:

While custom inserts and dividers offer a range of benefits for packaging solutions, it’s essential to consider potential drawbacks that may arise. These drawbacks include:

Cost Considerations

Custom inserts and dividers, depending on the material and complexity, can add to the overall production cost of packaging. This cost may impact budget-conscious businesses, especially for large-scale production.

Space Consumption

Intricate or bulky inserts might consume additional space within the packaging, reducing the overall volume available for the product. This could lead to higher shipping costs and storage challenges.

Limited Versatility

Overly specific designs of inserts may limit the flexibility of packaging for various products. Adapting inserts to accommodate different items could become cumbersome and time-consuming.

Environmental Impact

Certain materials used for custom inserts and dividers, such as plastics, may contribute to environmental concerns. Ensuring eco-friendly options can mitigate this drawback.

Assembly Complexity

Complex insert designs may require specialized assembly during packaging, adding to production time and the potential for errors.

Packaging Weight:

Inserts and dividers, particularly those made from heavier materials, could add to the overall weight of the package, potentially affecting shipping costs and environmental considerations.

Brand Consistency:

While customization offers branding opportunities, inconsistent execution of designs or branding elements might dilute the brand identity and recognition.

User Experience

Inserts that are too intricate or challenging to remove could frustrate customers during the unboxing experience, impacting overall satisfaction.

Storage and Logistics

Custom inserts might require unique storage and handling considerations, especially if they are delicate or require special care.

Product Fragility

Inserts that are not appropriately designed to protect fragile items might fail to provide the desired level of protection during transit.

It’s important to assess these potential drawbacks in relation to your specific packaging needs and priorities. Balancing the advantages and challenges of custom inserts and dividers will help you make informed decisions to optimize your packaging strategy.

Inspiring customers through custom inserts and dividers

Custom inserts and dividers within your packaging serve as more than just functional elements – they can evoke a sense of inspiration and delight among your customers. Here’s how they achieve this:

Enhanced Unboxing Experience

Custom inserts create a memorable unboxing experience that goes beyond the product itself. As customers open the package and discover a well-organized and thoughtfully designed interior, they feel a sense of excitement and anticipation.

Attention to Detail

The presence of custom dividers and inserts showcases your commitment to delivering quality. It reflects the meticulous care you’ve taken in crafting every aspect of your product’s presentation, enhancing the perceived value.

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Custom inserts and dividers can be tailored to resonate with your target audience. By incorporating personalized messages, quotes, or graphics, you create a connection that makes customers feel seen and valued.


Inserts and dividers provide an opportunity to tell your brand’s story or share its mission. This narrative engagement adds depth to the customer experience and fosters a sense of connection.

Product Highlight

Dividers can be strategically designed to highlight specific features or components of your product. This draws attention to key selling points and elevates the perceived utility of the purchase.

Organizational Ease

Inserts that effectively organize different components of a product contribute to a sense of ease and convenience. Customers appreciate the thought put into simplifying their interaction with the product.

Versatility and Reusability

Ingeniously designed dividers can serve a secondary purpose after the initial unboxing. Customers might repurpose them for storage or organization, extending the value of your packaging.

Aesthetic Pleasure

Aesthetically pleasing inserts and dividers contribute to the overall visual appeal of the packaging. Customers are more likely to associate positive emotions with your brand when their sensory experience is enriched.

Brand Resonance:

Thoughtfully designed inserts that align with your brand’s aesthetics and values resonate with customers. This consistency strengthens brand recall and loyalty.

Social Sharing

The visual appeal and uniqueness of well-designed inserts can motivate customers to share their unboxing experiences on social media. This organic promotion expands your brand’s reach.

Custom inserts and dividers tap into customers’ emotions, engage their senses, and create a lasting impression. By incorporating these elements, you turn the act of unboxing into a memorable and inspiring interaction that leaves a positive impact on your audience.

Standard Sizes of custom inserts and dividers

Every brand firstly requires to understand the standard sizes on which these custom dividers are available in the market. However, it is the wish of the clients to use any size for their dividers but a few standard sizes are discussed further for understanding. 

Enhancing Packaging Efficiency and Organization

Here is a list of standard sizes for custom inserts and dividers that are commonly used in packaging:

  • Small Divider: 2″ x 2″
  • Medium Divider: 4″ x 4″
  • Large Divider: 6″ x 6″
  • Slim Insert: 1.5″ x 4″
  • Wide Insert: 4″ x 6″
  • Square Insert: 3″ x 3″
  • Rectangular Insert: 4″ x 8″
  • Long Insert: 2″ x 8″
  • Compact Insert: 2.5″ x 5″
  • Mini Insert: 1″ x 3″

So, if a brand finds any of the above-mentioned sizes of cardboard box dividers suitable for their products then they should consider that one.  

Custom cut insert – tailored to product specifications

Please note that these dimensions are provided as general guidelines. The size of custom inserts and dividers can vary based on the specific product and packaging requirements. It’s recommended to work with a packaging professional to determine the most suitable dimensions for your unique needs.

Diverse materials for crafting custom inserts and dividers in Packaging

Custom inserts and dividers play a crucial role in enhancing the organization, protection, and presentation of products within packaging. These inserts are crafted from a diverse range of materials, each chosen based on the specific requirements of the items being packaged. 

Here are some common materials used in the manufacturing of custom inserts and dividers for box packaging:


Lightweight and versatile, cardboard inserts provide basic protection and organization for products. They are ideal for items that do not require heavy-duty cushioning.

Corrugated Cardboard

Known for its durability, corrugated cardboard inserts are suitable for fragile and heavier items. The corrugated structure adds strength and impact resistance.


Foam inserts offer excellent cushioning and support for delicate products. They can be custom-cut to fit the shape of items precisely, preventing movement and damage during transit.

Molded Pulp

Made from recycled paper, molded pulp inserts are eco-friendly and perfect for products like electronics, glassware, and cosmetics. They provide adequate protection and are biodegradable.


Plastic Inserts
Plastic Inserts

Plastic inserts, such as PVC or PET, offer a clear view of the product while providing protection against moisture and dust. They are commonly used for electronics and cosmetics.


Fabric inserts add a touch of luxury to the packaging. They are often used for jewelry and high-end products, providing both protection and aesthetic appeal.

EVA (Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate) Foam

EVA Foam Inserts
EVA Foam Inserts

EVA foam inserts are versatile and can be used for various products, from electronics to tools. They are durable, lightweight, and customizable.


Sturdy and foldable, paperboard inserts provide an eco-friendly solution for packaging. They can be printed and designed to enhance branding.


Wooden inserts lend a rustic and premium feel to the packaging. They are commonly used for wine bottles, gourmet foods, and artisanal products.

Thermoformed Plastic: Thermoformed plastic inserts are precisely shaped to fit the product contours. They offer a high level of protection and are commonly used for delicate items.

The choice of material for custom inserts and dividers depends on factors such as product fragility, weight, branding needs, and environmental considerations. By selecting the appropriate material, businesses can ensure that their packaging effectively showcases and protects their products while aligning with their overall brand image.

Elevate your packaging with custom inserts and dividers:

StatisticQuoteRecommendationExpert Tip
73% of consumers“Packaging is a critical touchpoint in theUtilize custom inserts for productsIncorporate eco-friendly materials for inserts
believe thatcustomer journey and it can stronglyof various sizes to prevent damageand dividers to showcase your brand’s values.
packaging designinfluence purchase decisions.”during shipping and enhance
reflects a brand’s– Sealed Airunboxing experiences.
commitment to quality.
65% of consumers“Good design, when it’s done well,Customize dividers to neatly organizeChoose dividers that match your product’s
say the quality ofbecomes invisible. It’s only whenproducts enhance aestheticshape and dimensions, ensuring a snug fit.
the packaging reflectsit’s done poorly that we notice it.”appeal, facilitating ease of use.
The quality of the– Jared Spool
product inside.
57% of online“Unboxing is a critical touchpoint thatCreate memorable unboxing experiencesInclude a personalized thank-you note or a
shoppers have statedcan greatly influence customerwith inserts that surprise and discount code to enhance customer engagement.
that they’ve made asatisfaction and loyalty.”delight customers.
purchase based on– Dotcom Distribution
72% of consumers“Customers are looking for personalizedUtilize inserts and dividers toAdd QR codes to your inserts for easy access
say they’re morepackaging that offers immersive and enhanced product information and product tutorials, user manuals, or
likely to purchase aunique experience.”usage instructions, increasing additional resources for a user-friendly
product with premium– Packaging Strategiesfor customer satisfaction and loyalty.experience.


Incorporate custom inserts and dividers into your packaging strategy to enhance brand perception, protect your products during transit, and create memorable unboxing experiences. Tailor inserts to different product sizes and shapes, and choose materials that align with your brand values. Utilize inserts not only for functional purposes but also to surprise and engage customers, enhancing their loyalty and overall satisfaction.

Our expert tips:

Leverage your inserts and dividers as a platform to provide additional value to your customers. Include useful information such as:

  • care instructions, 
  • QR codes for online resources, or 
  • personalized messages. 

Moreover, by offering practical insights and a touch of personalization, you can strengthen your brand-consumer relationship and leave a lasting positive impression.

Remember, custom box inserts and dividers aren’t just functional elements; they’re opportunities to showcase your brand’s uniqueness and dedication to customer satisfaction.

The essence of all the above facts

The detailed guideline that is mentioned in the above discussion helps the reader to know about the custom box divider in detail. However, such information also assists the brands in making the right decision at every inch of customizing their box dividers. They would be also able to select the right packaging suppliers. For instance “The City Of Packaging” is one of the popular brands for custom box dividers. Here are a few recommendations of this brand about dividers and inserts. 

  • Accurate Measurements: Measure products precisely to ensure dividers fit snugly.
  • Material Selection: Choose materials based on product protection and brand image.
  • Branding Integration: Incorporate logos and brand colors for a branded unboxing experience.
  • Fragile Items: Consider foam or padded dividers for delicate items during shipping.
  • Customization Options: Explore design options tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

So, by using these tips brands can generate their dividers more accurately and spellbound. It means you are not required to waste time and effort. 

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